PANCE Study Plan

PANCE Prep Plan

I am currently in my 7th rotation of the clinical year which means my 8th rotation will be in January and the last one following that. I therefore plan to take my PANCE exam 6 weeks after the completion of my 9th rotation in April.

Due to me being two rotations behind the rest of the majority of the class, I did not take my End of Curriculum Exam yet and so I don’t have that breakdown to help me create my PANCE Prep Plan right now but when I do take the EOC exam and get my results I will surely factor that information in to my study plan.

I will therefore use my didactic and clinical PACKRATs to help guide me in creating an appropriate study plan, helping me to focus on areas in which I am weakest and continuing to gain knowledge in the areas in which I am stronger.

Based on my didactic PACKRAT, the areas I was weakest in were: cardiology, infectious disease, GI, neurology and OBGYN. The areas I was strongest in were: dermatology, ENT, orthopedics and endocrinology.

Based on my clinical PACKRAT, the areas I was weakest in were: GI, infectious disease and pulmonology. The areas I was strongest in were: cardiology, endocrinology, hematology and orthopedics.

I will base my PANCE Prep Plan based on the topics which were the weakest for me and on those that were stronger but definitely could use improvement. I will also factor in which topics are highest-yield and which are lowest-yield to guide how much time I will spend on each.

I plan on starting with the topics which were weakest for me. That includes GI, infectious disease and pulmonology. The next topics I’ll move on to include the ones that were stronger for me but still need significant improvement including cardiology, OBGYN, neurology and psychiatry. Lastly I will focus on topics which were my strongest including orthopedics, ENT, dermatology, hematology and endocrinology. For each topic that I cover, I will do as many practice questions as I can in both Rosh Review and SmartyPance. I find that doing questions, learning from their answers and creating study guides based on topics I struggled in helps me absorb the information the most. I will then supplement that information and fill in the gap with Pance Prep Pearls. Endurance was the hardest part of taking the PACKRATs for me so my goal is to take 2 smaller practice tests and 3 full practice tests. At the end of my first and second week I will take a 120-question practice test with review that same day and during my 3rd, 4th and 5th week I will take a 300-question practice test with 45 minutes of break and use the next few days to review it.

Once I am done going over the information for the first time, I will re-do all the questions that I flagged, either because I got them wrong or because it was a lucky guess. I will use a different method of studying for those topcis I continue to struggle with including Osmosis, podcasts or reviewing those with a study partner. 

Week 1GI 50 questions and review content BREAK 50 questions and review contentGI 50 questions and review content BREAK 50 questions and review contentInfectious disease 60 questions and review content BREAK 60 questions and review contentPulmonology 50 questions and review content BREAK 50 questions and review content  Pulmonology 50 questions and review content BREAK 50 questions and review content  BREAK Review flagged and incorrect questions, review weak topicsPRACTICE TEST 120 questions REVIEW
Week 2Cardiology 50 questions and review content BREAK 50 questions and review content  Cardiology 50 questions and review content BREAK 50 questions and review content  OBGYN 50 questions and review content BREAK 50 questions and review content  OBGYN/NEURO 50 questions and review content BREAK 50 questions and review contentNEURO 50 questions and review content BREAK 50 questions and review content  BREAK Review flagged and incorrect questions, review weak topicsPRACTICE TEST 120 questions REVIEW  
Week 3PSYCH 60 questions and review content BREAK 60 questions and review contentPRACTICE TEST 300 questionsREVIEWREVIEWORTHO 50 questions and review content BREAK 50 questions and review contentBREAKORTHO 50 questions and review content BREAK 50 questions and review content
Week 4ENT 60 questions and review content BREAK 60 questions and review contentENDOCRINE 60 questions and review content BREAK 60 questions and review contentHEMATOLOGY 60 questions and review content BREAK 60 questions and review contentINFECTIOUS DISEASE 60 questions and review content BREAK 60 questions and review contentReview flagged and incorrect questions, review weak topicsBREAKPRACTICE TEST 300 questions
Week 5REVIEWREVIEWDERM 60 questions and review content BREAK 60 questions and review contentCARDIOGIBREAKPULMONOLOGY

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