My eighth rotation was Surgery at Woodhull Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY. Honestly, I was nervous going into the rotation with the understanding of the demanding schedule and the amount of the time to be spent in the OR. While the early hours were challenging, I truly enjoyed and learned a lot from this rotation. It was amazing getting to see patients either in the ER or in the clinic and then again in the OR, unlike any other rotation. I learned a lot from both the clinic aspect of the schedule, seeing patients with surgical complaints and from my …
Site Evaluator Reflection
I presented this H&P at my first site visit with Professor Lopez: JC is a 64 y/o F with extensive PMHx including cocaine and alcohol abuse, asthma/COPD, Hepatitis C liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension s/p TIPS (2018), remote hx of ventral hernia repair x3 7 years ago with the last repair being mesh, presents to the ER with <12hr hx of sudden abdominal bulge on standing at the peri-umbilical area associated with 8/10, constant, non-radiating pain surrounding the swelling. She reports the bulge suddenly appeared at about 9 pm, last meal prior to that was 6 pm. Standing and coughing …
Journal Article
I presented this article at my first site visit titled: Surgical site infection in mesh repair for ventral hernia in contaminated field: A systematic review and meta-analysis. I researched this topic as a case I scrubbed into was an emergency laparotomy for a patient with an incarcerated ventral hernia causing a small bowel obstruction. During the procedure, the small bowel perforated and enteric contents with fecal material was spilled causing the wound/field to become contaminated. Therefore, I wanted to know about mesh repair increasing the incidence of SSI in a contaminated field. The results I found from the research was …
Typhon Logs
History & Physical
H&P: Identifying Information: Name – HS Sex – Male DOB – 4/5/1965, 56 y/o Date – 1/31/22, 11:00 am Location – Woodhull ER Source of Information – Self Source of referral/transportation – Self Chief Complaint: genital pain and swelling x 2 weeks HPI: HS is a 56 y/o M with a PMHx of HTN, asthma and arthritis c/o scrotal pain and swelling x2 weeks. Patient states the swelling and pain came out of nowhere, has been gradual and worsening in the past 4 days. Pain and swelling is associated with dysuria and for the past 48 hours has been …
Rotation 8 – Surgery
PANCE Study Plan
PANCE Prep Plan I am currently in my 7th rotation of the clinical year which means my 8th rotation will be in January and the last one following that. I therefore plan to take my PANCE exam 6 weeks after the completion of my 9th rotation in April. Due to me being two rotations behind the rest of the majority of the class, I did not take my End of Curriculum Exam yet and so I don’t have that breakdown to help me create my PANCE Prep Plan right now but when I do take the EOC exam and get …
CV and Cover Letter
Carly Schreiber 1315 Cornaga Ave Far Rockaway, NY 11691 | (516) 984-2543 | [email protected] EDUCATION CUNY York College, Queens, NY December 2021 Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies Master’s Project: Yeshiva University, Stern College for Women, New York, NY May 2019 Bachelor of Arts in Biology Honors: Dean’s List, Summa Cum Laude PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE AND CERTIFICATION Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support, American Heart Association August 2020-Current Basic Life Support (CPR + AED), American Heart Association August 2020-Current NCCPA Certified Physician Assistant, NCCPA Expected April 2022 CLINICAL EXPERIENCE Obstetrics and …
My seventh rotation was Psychiatry at Queens Hospital Center CPEP. I was looking forward to this rotation as I knew it would be very different from past rotations. Although in the setting of the emergency room which I had already experienced, I imagined that the psych ER, CPEP, would provide me with a very different experience and patient-focus. One of my favorite parts of rotating through CPEP as opposed to inpatient psych was being able to see many different types of patients, with a variety of presentations and chief complaints. One patient that stands out to me was a Jewish …
Final CAT
Scenario: A patient presents to the medicine floor with acute necrotizing pancreatitis (ANP). As acute pancreatitis is associated with high morbidity and mortality with most deaths occurring in patients with acute necrotizing pancreatitis, the team discusses whether or not the patient would benefit from prophylactic use of antibiotics to minimize morbidity and mortality. Search Question: Clearly state the question (including outcomes or criteria to be tracked) Is antibiotic prophylaxis beneficial in reducing morbidity and mortality in patients with acute necrotizing pancreatitis? Identify the PICO Elements: P = patients with acute necrotizing pancreatitis I = antibiotic prophylaxis C = no prophylaxis O = reduced morbidity and …