Site Evaluator: Gary Maida
I presented the following case at my site evaluation:
BR is a 6 y/o male who presents to the clinic with his mother c/o fever, cough and congestion x3 days. Symptoms started 3 days ago, mainly as a runny, stuffy nose and slight cough, but patient is presenting now as the symptoms, particularly the fever and cough, appear to be worsening. Patient’s cough is productive and his breathing appears slightly labored. The cough is worse at night. Patient’s temperature was low-grade, 102 F orally, yesterday but mother hasn’t checked again today. Patient isn’t eating or sleeping well and is less active than usual. Patient looks ill and lethargic. Patient admits to difficulty breathing and sick contacts, his older brother who has similar symptoms but not as severe. Patient denies history of asthma.
Patient has no significant past medical history, is up to date on all his immunizations, denies any surgical history, use of medication or allergies. Family history is significant for his younger brother being sick with similar symptoms.
Patient’s vitals include: temp – 106.1 F oral, HR – 125 bpm regular, RR – 24 breaths/min labored. Patient appears ill, is having difficulty breathing, is wheezing and using accessory muscles.
Patient was sent to the ER and admitted to the PICU on CPAP and supplementary oxygen. Respiratory panel done confirms RSV as the offending virus.
Professor Maida was extremely helpful as a site evaluator. He listened carefully, gave constructive criticism and feedback and pointed out what was done well. He gave extensive feedback on our H&Ps and pointed out areas which needed strengthening or were missing, especially in the areas specific to pediatrics. TI definitely found that through his feedback on my work and listening to his feedback on my classmates’ work, my knowledge about and experience in Pediatrics was strengthened.